God’s embrace through you and me

September 8, 2010

God uses people like you and me to extend his arm around those of us who need a lot of encouragement. We were introduced to Paul and Linda, a married couple in the midst of health issues. They were invited by another couple who regularly come to Wednesday night’s H.o.P.E. They had personally experience the joy of being prayed for and wanted their friends of thirty-years to experence this, too. Pat (pictured above giving D a hug) reached out to one of our guests because she had recently gone through a tough time, but God had answered her prayers. She wanted to convey hope and “pass on the blessing” by leading the prayer for D.

Scott who returned with his wife Heather and assisted in the songs and worship leading exclaimed that he had not been part of a prayer meeting quite like the House of Prayer. He said that he could sense God’s presence in a way that seemed hard to express into words. He was leaving for Michigan, and before he and his wife took off, the people of hope sent them off with a prayer of blessing and protection.

To find out more about his ministry of music, check out his website.

We will be starting a new series on Wednesday nights that is based on the Radical Teachings of Jesus next week with the goal of deepening our prayer walk with God. We hope you’ll join us if you’re in town. You may watch the weekend sermons online. The Radical Teachings of Jesus sermon series will begin at the Forest Lake Church on September 25 via this link on Saturdays at 8.45am, 10am or 11.30am (http://media.forestlakechurch.org/live)
or via http://www.deeperfaith.org/home/ with a young adult or collegiate emphasis.

Have a joy-filled week!

God’s love will sustain you

September 1, 2010

This evening’s pictures and summary are coming soon. For now, you may click on:
http://media.forestlakechurch.org/houseofprayer for this month’s archive of H.o.P.E Global.

People who came voiced their deep appreciation for Scott’s music, and felt God speaking through his song.
You may visit Scott’s website to find out more about his ministry. He will join us again on September 8 at the House of Prayer. Click on the following web address to find out more about Scott:

Have a wonderful week. If you are in town on a Wednesday, come by and join us for the House of Prayer Experience!